At Clean Concept we have defined our processes in order to guarantee the systematic implementation of our policies, strategies, objectives, and plans. Our Quality Assurance system is aimed at continuous improvement in the service provided to the client.
This system is supported by the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 14006 certifications (Design of the interior architecture and assembly of clean rooms type HPL-EPS)
Ecodesign policy
CLEAN ROOM CONCEPT, SL, a company of ALBIAN GROUP, adapting to the needs of Quality, Productivity, Environmental Concern, Ecodesign, Prevention and Safety demanded by an increasingly competitive market, has a Management System, described in the MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK and developed in the system, in accordance with the requirements of the International Standards UNE-EN-ISO 9001, UNE-EN ISO 14001 and ISO 14006 (HPL-EPS Panel) in force. The General Management specifically expresses its fundamental commitment to promote Quality, the environment and eco-design as a differentiating factor and an element of productivity and management and Prevention in order to achieve compliance with the following policy:
Quality is understood as suitability for use, delivery times and adequate costs.
The management will promote the necessary improvements to obtain the objectives.
The quality and the prevention of contamination and risks in the work environment are not only a consequence of the controls, but also of a correct and exhaustive planning, execution and continuous auditing.
In addition, it must be aligned with the nature, magnitude and significant environmental impacts of the products throughout their life cycle.
Quality, the environment, eco-design and prevention are oriented towards continuous improvement. Failures, accidents and incidents should be used to learn and eliminate the sources or causes that have generated them.
Provide the framework for establishing and reviewing the environmental and ecodesign goals and targets related to the product.
This requires the collaboration and participation of all levels and for this, information, communication, and training are essential.
All staff must accept the commitment to improve quality, safe working methods and good environmental practices within the field of their job.
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El Campillo auzoa, Nave 2A
48500 Gallarta (Bizkaia) SPAIN
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